Thursday, March 1, 2012

“Chain prayer on the Earth” 「東日本大震災・連鎖祈祷へのお誘い」






“Chain prayer on the Earth”

新約聖書 マタイの福音書 第18章19節




“A ring of prayers on the Earth” 

Invitation to pray together for the victims, survivors and all the related people of Tohoku Earthquake 

“Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven” Matthew 18:19 

As you may know, last year on March 11th, 14:46(Japan Time) to be precise, a huge earthquake of magnitude 9.0, now named Tohoku Earthquake struck the coast of the Pacific Ocean of North-Eastern region of Japan. It caused tsunamis, on some coasts, of more than 10 meter high. 20,000 people’s lives have been either perished or not been found, and more than 23,000 people are still living in rescue camps. 

I would like you to pray with us for five minutes from 11:45 in the morning of March 11th, 2012, which is the anniversary of this tragic earthquake. 

We want to remember this earthquake. 

Pray for the people who were struck by this earthquake. 
Pray for the people who are working at the stricken area. 

Pray for all the people who are related to the damage of this earthquake. 

March 11th is a Sunday this year. It doesn't matter where you are, might be in the church during service, or might be at your home. 
There is time difference between each country. Thus, our prayers from 11:45 will turn round the Earth in 24 hours in the morning in each country, connecting our prayers like a huge ring of on the Earth. 

Let's pray together. 

1 comment:

  1. もうじき一年ですね。生まれて初めて「国難」という言葉を自分の生活の中で使うようになりました。あの日以来、初対面の人との間ですら「震災」という共通の話題ができ、いろんな人と沢山話しをすることができました。地震後、東京から人が減った時も、友人達とテーブルを囲んで、あるいは電話やメールでよく話をしていました。ぺちゃくちゃと一緒に喋っていると不安が薄らぎ、リラックスできたからです。一人では到底立ち向かえない不安にも集団であればどうにか、気持ちを楽にして乗り切れることがよくわかりました。。
